姐妹團化妝, 同場親友化妝服務
人數 | 1-2 | 3人或以上 | |
HKD | HKD | ||
化妝及set頭 | 800 | 700 | (BY Anita) |
600 | 400 | (BY Others) | |
化妝 | 700 | 600 | |
400 | 300 | ||
Set 頭 | 250 | 200 | |
250 | 200 | ||
補妝 ~ 妝或頭 | 150 | 150 | |
150 | 150 | ||
補妝 ~ 妝及頭 | 250 | 200 | |
250 | 200 |
- 如客人只需要姐妹化妝, 同場親友化妝服務, 最低消費為HKD2000.
- 訂金為服務費的50%, 餘數於服務日付清. (只收現金)
- 如人數一經確認, 不能減少. 否則已付之訂金, 不能用來清付餘款.
- 訂金請存入匯豐HSBC戶口623-022118-888.
- 需付化妝師去程的士車資. 如化妝地點不在地鐵附近, 則收來回的士車資.
- 如遇黑色暴雨, 8號風球或以上, 需付的士來回車資 .
Sister Group
Number of person | 1-2 | 3 or above | |
HKD | HKD | ||
Makeup and hair styling | 800 | 700 | (BY Anita) |
600 | 400 | (BY Others) | |
Makeup | 700 | 600 | |
400 | 300 | ||
Hair styling | 250 | 200 | |
250 | 200 | ||
Touch up for makeup or hair styling | 150 | 150 | |
150 | 150 | ||
Touch up for makeup and hair styling | 250 | 200 | |
250 | 200 |
- If customer did not join the bridal package, all sister group, friends and relatives makeup will have $2000 minimum charge
- Deposit will be 50% of the total cost. Remaining balance will be paid at wedding day (date of service). CASH ONLY.
- If booking is confirmed, number of person cannot be deducted i.e. deposit cannot be used to pay for the remaining balance
- Please prepaid deposit into Hong Kong Bank a/c: 623-022118-888
- Taxi fees for MUA to the venue will be charged to customer. If venue is remote from MTR station, taxi fee for return journey will be charged.
- In case of Typhoon signal 8, black rain, need to incur taxi fee (to and from the venue)